Over time, this page will be populated with the most frequently asked questions and these will be listed below along with our responses.

If you have a question you would like to ask about any aspect of the religion of Islam or its practise, please feel free to do so, we welcome all and any questions from all walks of life!

You can send your questions into us by sending an email to contact@telfordcentralmosque.com.

Depending upon the nature of the question, it may be appropriate for it to be answered by the Imam and this might result in a small delay.

Your right to privacy is paramount and no personal details will be published.

How can I donate?

Donations can be made in a variety of ways. We accept card payments every Jumma and Eid prayers, Cheque payments, Standing Orders, Bank Transfers & PayPal donations. You can find out more about how to do so on our Donate page